The world is your classroom
We are always on the lookout for interesting and unique ways to share the world with you. With a global reach across multiple continents, we provide opportunities for you to venture out and learn beyond your own four walls.
Experience, Practice, Reflect
To fulfil an enriching study tour, we place strong emphasis on the above three core developmental values and curate our tour packages accordingly. Our goal is to offer one that evokes novelty, has room for practical activities, and offer food for thought for you to reflect upon.
Our destinations span across the globe into numerous countries, allowing you to explore and understand cultures that are vastly unique to one another. You will definitely have new insights to take home at the end of every tour.
New and Unique Experiences
Our services include organising exciting and enriching activities in various countries that not only seek to promote bonding through team work and friendly competitions, but also aim to be meaningful as you glean into their history and background.
Quality Assurance
Our programmes are thoughtfully sourced and designed to achieve maximal learning for students, while keeping their safety and wellbeing paramount. We will also provide feedback and keep parents in the loop of their child’s learning.