The ultimate checklist before studying abroad!

12 January 2021 img img

From pre-arrival arrangements to packing lists, there is much to do to in anticipation for the big move to your new study destination. With so much to prepare and seemingly little time to do so, especially if it is your first time studying abroad, we help declutter your mind by listing out things to do before take-off!

1. Transport upon arrival

While it is unlikely that you will be stranded on arrival with taxis lined up outside the airport and car-sharing services available in most places, we do recommend that you arrange for a transport service beforehand. This will really help save time and energy, not to mention reduce the worry of frantically looking, queueing and waiting for transport after a long flight.

If you have engaged the services of an education agent, you need not worry about this task as they would usually arrange for a pick up service for you. If you have already found a homestay with a host family or are living in a school hostel, they would usually also provide student pick up services from the airport.


Another essential purchase would be a travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you from risks or losses that may happen during your flight, covering minor incidents such as loss of suitcase to major accidents such as last-minute trip cancellation or medical emergency. While some may think this purchase is unnecessary, you do not want to leave anything to chance- especially when travel insurances are usually priced at very affordable rates.

This plan only protects you from accidents that occur during the flight, but if you wish to purchase medical and health coverage during the course of your study, you would need to purchase a separate medical insurance when you arrive in the new country.

3. Cards and cash

The beauty about this day and age is that everything is as convenient as just a click of a button or the swipe of a phone. This includes monetary transactions and online banking which makes it effortless for you to access your money overseas. The only thing you need to remember is to take your security token with you, and of course, your passwords.

A downside to using local cards overseas is that the currency exchange rate may not be the most favourable, so another option is to purchase a multi-currency card such as Revolute or TransferWise that has little to no conversion fee.

Besides online banking, it is helpful to prepare some cash as well so make a run to your local money changer and exchange a substantial amount that will be enough for your essentials in the event you are not able to access your bank cards overseas. Having cash is also helpful for minute purchases such as simple groceries, taxis, and other cash-only transactions. An additional point to note, do check with the specific customs’ guidelines on the approved cash limit for foreigners entering the country.

4. Copies of essential documents

With all your important documents taking off with you, start keeping them in multiple platforms so you are able to access them easily anytime and anywhere. For instance, you could save your documents on Google drive, iCloud or any multi-device sharing platforms or backup storage. You should also keep some copies at home so that your family is able to help you handle urgent ad-hoc errands on your behalf while you are away.

5. Mobile plan

Mobile stores are widely available in airports, so getting one after you land is not an issue although the options available in airports are usually pricier and you are able to find a variety of cheaper plans outside.

In any case, we always prefer to be well-prepared so remember to enable the roaming option of your phone service at least for a few days until your new phone line is up and running.

6. One call away


Your contacts overseas are one of your greatest help which is why it is crucial that you save all their phone numbers and addresses in your phone such as your education agent, host family, international student support centres, school officers, and embassy, etc. That way, you know you will have guidance one phone call away and where to go should something happen.

Now on to the actual packing. Where does one start?

7. Weather-ready


Now, you do not want to lack cover during winter and be decked in layers in the heat of summer. Be sure to check on the season and climate of the country so you know how to dress and pack accordingly. Other items will include gym wear, swim suits and other attires for specific usage. You should also check the appropriate luggage weight limit for your flight and pack accordingly.

8. Mini first aid kit


When you are unfamiliar with nearest pharmacies and clinics in the new country, you will be thankful that you have your own medical supplies and ointments to spare while you search for professional medical care. Therefore, packing your own little medical kit will be quite the life saver and includes basic medication for ailments like fever, headache, flu, or items such as antiseptic cream and band-aids to treat minor physical injuries.

9. Comfort food

One of the best cures for homesickness comes in the form of travel-sized packages and a reassuring taste of home. This is a must-add to your packing list and they are local snacks and cooking pastes of familiar flavours. For optimal enjoyment, take down some of your favourite family recipes so you can recreate them in your new place when you crave delights from back home.

10. Electronics

This is an aspect that many overlook, but charging plugs differ from country to country so make sure you have a universal adapter that is suitable for the country you are heading to. Pack your laptop, tablet, and any other devices that you will need for personal and university use. Remember to include your power bank as well as you do not want to risk the chance of your phone being flat on battery when you arrive at the airport, especially when that is your lifeline in a foreign land.

Download all your favourite shows and movies in your devices to keep you company in case it gets boring or lonely. Binge watch your favourite shows while snacking on some comforting taste of home!

Finally, in your hand-carry, take all the essentials with you such as toiletries, jacket, books, flight entertainment, medication, and other items you require in case you are not able to get your luggage in time when you need them. Also, countries have their own list of prohibited items entering the country and items not allowed on international flights, so do proper research on what not to bring. The final piece of item- and also the most important one- is your passport. Do a last double, triple-check to make sure you have it with you before heading to the airport.

And there you have it, a comprehensive list of items to prepare and pack before flying abroad! Use this as a guideline and check the boxes as you go along. Remember not to procrastinate till the last minute and start packing as soon as possible!

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